Speech & Language Therapy

What Is Speech-Language Therapy?

Speech-Language therapy focuses on identifying and improving a child’s communication and swallowing problems by focusing on speaking, language, and oral motor development. Our speech-language pathologists (SLP) are master’s trained and nationally accredited  communication experts who focus on working with aspects of language production, including speaking mechanics, processing language, swallowing therapy, and developing social skills.

Speech-language impairments can manifest in different ways. Children may have difficulties in areas of form (grammar, syntax), content (vocabulary), or use of language (pragmatics, oral motor skills).

Therapists may focus on articulation, phonology, fluency, voice, expressive and receptive abilities, feeding, chewing and swallowing, and alternative communication techniques (such as play therapy, picture communication, sign language, or electronic communication systems) to maximize progress and attain the best results.

The Importance of Early Intervention

The early years of a child’s life are a critical stage for language learning and production. Children’s brains are uniquely adaptable and can often overcome or mitigate early developmental problems with therapeutic help. Failure to address early-onset disorders can exacerbate speech and language issues and make them more difficult to remedy later in life.

Our Early Intervention Program aims to identify and evaluate as early as possible when infants’ and toddlers’ healthy development is compromised. We then work to provide an appropriate intervention program to improve child and family development.

Our therapists are all state-licensed and Master’s trained professionals who can provide treatment to your child for…

  • Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
  • Apraxia
  • Articulation Disorders
  • Receptive and Expressive Language Disorders
  • Developmental delays
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
  • Auditory Processing Disorders (APD)
  • Tongue Thrust
  • Dysphagia
  • Oral Motor Weakness
  • Sensory Integration Disorders
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Down Syndrome
  • Genetic Syndromes
  • Stuttering
  • Voice Disorders
  • Bilingual Therapy
  • Many other areas of needs

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Ways Speech Therapy Can Help Your Child Develop

Communication & Fluency

Speech & language therapy improves language skills (comprehension & production) and communicative strategies in children, allowing them to understand others and speak

Social Skills

Learning to communicate with others is a vital part of social development. Therapy can help children improve their independence and connectedness to others by equipping them with the fundamental tools to succeed alongside their peers.


Speech & language therapy can help remediate literacy skills by improving phonological awareness and connecting the correct sounds to letters


Affective considerations, such as empathy, self-esteem, and attitude, play a prominent role in a child’s language learning and usage. Speech & language therapy can develop your child’s confidence and empower their communicative tools to better understand and express themselves.

How Do I Know If My Child Needs Speech Therapy?

A child’s speech and language development will typically fall in a range of ‘normal’ progression. The following is a general guideline for speech and language development.

1 Year Old

  • Uses one or two words (“mama,” “dog“).
  • Follows simple directions (“sit down“).

2 Years Old

  • Asks two-word questions (“go bye-bye?“).
  • Uses two-word sentences (“more juice“).
  • Follows multi-step instructions (“get your shoes and come here“).
  • A child should generally be 50% understandable by this age.

3 Years Old

  • Has a word for everything. Family & friends can understand them.
  • Uses three-word sentences. Talks about things not in the room with them.

4 Years Old

  • Can answer simple questions about “Who, What, Where, and Why?
  • Uses sentences with four or more words and is understood by everyone.
  • A child should generally be 75-90% understandable by this age.

The best way to learn if speech & language therapy would benefit your child is to speak with a licensed professional who can evaluate them.
Call us today, and we’ll happily help answer your questions.

We’re here to help your child be their best.